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Minding the Finances - 1 in 4 Small Business Owners Feels Their Mental Health Has Deteriorated From the Strain of Managing their Business Finances

January 2024: In a new survey of small businesses by Purbeck Personal Guarantee Insurance to gauge the financial and emotional resilience of owner/managers, 1 in 4 respondents (24%) said their mental health had been directly affected by the stress of managing the finances of their business in the past year. While 1 in 4 is far from positive, this is a significant improvement from 49% in the same survey last year and underlines the tenacity and resilience of small business owners, as they continue to face challenging economic headwinds.

51% of Consumers Turned to Haggling for Life’s Essentials This Year

November 2023: In a new survey of 1000 consumers underlining the impact of the cost of living crisis on shopping habits, 51% confessed they have haggled for an essential product or service this year. The survey by Purbeck Personal Guarantee Insurance, the small business champion, suggests the U.K.’s small businesses need to be on guard as 21% in the survey think it's fine to haggle when buying from an independent retailer or small business owner and a third are planning to haggle to save costs this Christmas. 

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